
Weekly stock info- Nike

Stock Symbol : NKE
Company website : www.nike.com
Number of Shares : 6
Market Price I bought : $88.50
Current Price : $96.15
Website : http://www.investorguide.com/stock.php?ticker=NKE
Recent News : http://www.investorguide.com/stock-news-show.php?story_id=45985991&topic=NKE

When I first bought the stocks, the total price I spend was $531, and since the price per share increased about 8 dollars, the total price went up to $576.9. So I earned $45.9 total.
And right now, I'm thinking about buying a new stock, between sony and Honda, but I'm not sure about it because its cost is getting down, so I guess I have to watch for a while and also looking for other stocks.


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